Conversations without your cell phone listening
Wiki Article
Conversations without your cell phone listening to them – HelloMike App makes it possible
For Immediate Release
Have you ever felt, that after speaking to someone about a certain topic in the presence of your smartphone (or tablet or other smart-devices), you are shortly after being targeted with very distinct advertisements?
But why is it so? Is it just a coincidence? It seems way too flamboyant to just be random.
And it's not. Simply, because your device is actually listening to your conversations. All the time.
No matter if you talk about work, your family, a planned vacation or even your most private subject.
There’s a good chance you’re unconsciously, yet constantly giving away all your potentially private information.
If this happened to you already, or if you're simply uncomfortable with the idea of being listened to - There are ways to enforce your privacy!
HelloMike! to the rescue!
HelloMike! is an app that allows you to block your device's microphone, this way keeping your phone or tablet from spying on you.
When HelloMike! is activated, it simply blocks the microphone from being used by other apps for any kind of unnoticed recording or tapping.
That said, when using HelloMike! you are in no way losing access to handy features like wake words, voice assistants, or speech-to-text entry.
You simply deactivate the blocking-feature of the app and all the convenience of voice-commands is fully restored.
Important facts to understand here: The biggest vulnerability is caused by "always-on"-features most voice activated assistants require.
To pick up wake words like "Hey Siri," the microphone needs to remain ON at all times – which means your phone is ALWAYS listening.
try these out
The best place to start taking back and protecting your privacy back is by installing and using the HelloMike! App to bridge the gap and circumvent the "always-on" microphone feature on your device.
Therefore, HelloMike! is a privacy protection tool. HelloMike! will utilize and block e.g. your phone's microphone and protect your private data from being processed without your explicit consent.
HelloMike! evidentially works on many devices running current versions of iOS and Android.
How to get started? Install HelloMike! using the following links for both Android and Apple devices and enjoy your full speech-relevant privacy.
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